Solomon's House of Hope Faith Based, Bible Directed, Christ Centered Recovery Facility for Women.
Vision Statement To see women who have been in bondage to drug and/or alcohol addiction set free from those addictions, reconciled with family, able to function in society, function as a contributing member to their community, and have restored self control
Mission Statement Offer women the opportunity to:
Learn how to live healthy, productive lives by renewing of their mind through reading, studying and obeying God's word
Learn to look to God to provide personal worth, courage, strength, and determination to face life as it comes without dulling the senses
Develop relational skills that may enable the restoration of family relationships
acquire new coping and life skills
Solomon's House of Hope is a free 12 month residential center and program providing women an opportunity to learn new coping, living skills through Christ-centered, Bible directed curriculum and daily living instead of dulling the senses with drugs or alcohol to escape reality.
Solomon's House of Hope is a small "dorm" facility with a "family" lifestyle. Days are busy from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. The weekly schedule includes: spiritual development, Bible study/quiet time alone with God; family meals with emphasis on healthy eating; exercise; house chores; one on one mentoring/individual counseling; Celebrate Recovery Step Study; weekly Christian counseling sessions; working the resale shop; and working at the local soup kitchen.